Hosszúhetény, Morolo u. 52. | +36 (30) 946-8920 | schunkpince@gmail.com


The Schunk Winery is situated 12 km away from Pécs, in a valley between two peaks of the Mecsek Hills, the Zengő and the Hármashegy. The road leading to our winery is covered with asphalt, so it is readily accessible by car, or even by coach frequently running on schedule between the city of Pécs and the town of Komló, passing through Hosszúhetény. Those arriving by car can find a spacious parking lot by the winery.

  • Our address: Schunk Pince,
  • 7694 Hosszúhetény, Moroló utca 52.
  • E-mail: schunkpince@gmail.com
  • Phone: + 36 (30) 946-8920


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